As we near the end 2015, we delight in being able to announce the winners of this year’s Children’s Art Competition for both the over 10 and under 10 years old categories.
Children on London Magical Tours’ trips and excursions are given the chance to enter this fun competition which is run annually, drawing or writing all about their favourite London experience.

Smiling faces! Children with their entries for the 2015 Art Competition
The London Magical Tours judges had a very difficult decision to make given the quality of this year’s entrants: it was no easy feat choosing from the hundred of standout entries. In the end though, they managed to narrow it down to a select group of finalists.
So without further ado, here are the winner and runner up entries for the Children’s Art Competition 2015:
Winner 10 Years and Over: Goes to Joan Matthew age 11, Massachusetts. Written during one of our Magical Christmas Tours in December, Joan tells “Father Christmas” all about her action packed day in London, including when she got to see Her Majesty The Queen. What a lovely letter!
Winner Under 10’s: What an amazing effort from Aiden Zinke from Maryland – aged just 6! His beautiful description of seeing the Cullinan Diamond at the Jewel House inside the Tower of London warmed the hearts of all the judges.
Congratulations are due for all the prize winners. Stand out entries to have also made the final four included:
Claire Robertson age 12, from Texas. The judges loved reading how Claire recalled seeing the horses at the Royal stables (the Royal Mews) and how much of a highlight this was for her personally, as well as this wonderfully colourful piece of art by Claudia Sitjar age 5, from Barcelona, Spain.
A huge thank you to everyone who entered for such great effort and work. Gifts and prizes are on their way to the lucky winners.
Would you like to enter next year’s competition? Read all about our London Tours for children with London Magical Tours for a fun and educational day out.