London Airport Guide – Luggage on Layovers

Tour Visitors with Luggage

Tour Visitors with Luggage

Passengers with layovers in London will normally have their luggage sent to their final destination from their original airport of departure. This will however depend on whether your flights into and out of London are from the same airport:

London Layovers: Arriving and Departing from the SAME Airport

Passengers on layover tours arriving and departing from the same London airport will normally have their luggage sent to their final destination from their airport of origin. Passengers are welcome to bring their carry on hand luggage on board the tour.

For example:

A layover in London in between flights from Dallas Fortworth, Texas, USA to Johannesburg, South Africa connecting at London Heathrow. Luggage will be sent directly from Dallas to Johannesburg.

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Heathrow Airport Guide – Terminal Information

Heathrow Airport Information Guide

Heathrow Airport Information Guide

London Heathrow Airport  (LHR) is the main airport for London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom.

Situated west of the city and covering just under 5 square miles in size, Heathrow is the busiest airport in the United Kingdom and handles more international passengers than any other airport in the world.

Apart from being the home hub of British Airways, over 90 airlines fly from Heathrow to over 180 locations across the globe, carrying approx. 70 million passengers each year.

Heathrow has five terminals, numbered 1 through to 5:

How To Check Your Terminal:

When booking a tour from Heathrow Airport, it is important to know which terminal your flights will arrive and depart from. This information should normally be provided by your airline, either on your flight ticket or on their website. If you are unsure, please check with your airline directly. Terminal information is not the same as gate information, gate information will not normally be released until the last moment before a flight.

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London Airport Guide – General Information

London Airport Information Guide

London Airport Information Guide

London has the busiest airport system of any world city by passenger traffic, with over 133 million passengers travelling through the city’s various airports each year.

As the original founders of layover tours, our tours from the London Airports are very popular with visitors on transit through London to destinations all across the globe.

In an effort to offer guests greater details on what they can expect at the airports, we are compiling a list of blog posts focusing on useful tips and information, covering topics ranging from the different terminals, to what happens to your luggage on a layover, through to where to meet your tour guide.

We begin with some general airport articles followed by useful information on the two major international airports that service London and from which our Layover London Tours are run – Heathrow Airport and Gatwick Airport.

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London Magical Tours Reviews

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.

There is no such thing as public opinion. There is only published opinion.

I am easily satisfied with the very best.

– Winston Churchill (1874-1955)

Every year many of our clients are kind enough to take the time to write in to express their gratitude after a tour. There is no greater feeling than when this happens – for someone to go out of their way to say thank you is the biggest compliment an organisation can receive.

We do however know that for many visitors, it is not always possible to write in and this is of course, perfectly understandable. Yet it is so important for us to get a snapshot of your thoughts on the service we provide – to get a better idea of what we are doing right and see if there are ways that things can be improved. To this extent, guests over the last 12 months have been asked to rate their tour out of 5 at the end of their visit and leave a short line of feedback.

Changing of the .... guard? London Magical Tours clients at St James Palace

Changing of the …. guard? London Magical Tours clients at St James Palace

We were delighted to see that 96% of all tours in the last year received a maximum rating of 5/5, with only 4% of tours receiving a score of 4/5. While this feedback has been most pleasing, we now have an incredibly high benchmark set for the year and are very much excited by improving on these results. The gauntlet has been dropped and we are determined to face this challenge head on.

The section below includes a mixed selection of these short comments and reviews. Each was handwritten by the respective reviewer at the end of a tour. Thank you to all guests who agreed to us sharing their feedback, we treat private information with the utmost confidentiality and only names and locations are included for this purpose.

London Magical Tours guests at Windsor Castle

London Magical Tours guests at Windsor Castle

We end on a note that many of you were happy for us to include your feedback on the condition that we explain that the comments were likely written in a moving vehicle – so please – no judging handwriting!

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London Magical Tours Reviews

Rating 5/5 - Mr. Mammas Esq., Attorney MammasGoldberg, Illinois USA

Rating 5/5 – Mr. Mammas Esq., Attorney MammasGoldberg, Illinois USA

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